Sunday 21 July 2013

First Bike Ride!

Ready, set...

Helmets are the best! Who knew??

Off-roading with Jenn

We just got back from a super barbecue with super people who have lots of super bike/trike options! Eleanor spied them immediately and climbed on a three-wheeled push bike. She hasn't totally figured out how to push herself, but loved being pushed by an adult, wearing the helmet and following Spencer's lead! Spencer is one of Eleanor's cancer buddies. These kids are the lucky ones. Their lives are more complicated than other kids, but they are both miraculously cancer free. We've gotten a lot of bad news lately about kids that haven't been so lucky and it is soul-crushingly sad. I don't pretend to know why our story has gone this way, but I am grateful every day for it. It's incredible that we get bright sunshiny evenings where Eleanor can ride a bike and dominate the bubbles (girlfriend loves bubbles). Summer 2013 has been very kind to us. Here's hoping it continues for a long, long time.

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