Sunday, 4 August 2013


Eleanor pulled out her red cardigan this morning and declared, "Elmo!" and proceeded to put it on over her pajama t-shirt. Who am I to argue with that? The final outfit looked like this:
Pretty sweet, huh?

We set out on an adventure to the petting zoo and Eleanor displayed her enthusiasm for the animals, despite her debilitating sign impediment. Seriously. We have been doing cow and horse and pig and cat and duck signs and she mushes them all into one. It kind of looks like the sign for flower. She's starting to make animal sounds so at least we have a vague idea of what she is trying to say! I have never wanted to understand her more. I wish I could translate her conversation because girlfriend is emphatic and seems so clever and inspired. It is really something to talk to her these days!

Anyway after the animals, this happened.

And this...

Which was pretty awesome. Seeing her run through this rainbow and screaming and celebrating made me think of all those who have crossed the rainbow bridge: Anaya, Cecilia, Lucas, Jeremy, Molly, Justin, Jasper and little Lilee-Jean who is frantically trying to complete her "dancing in the rain" list before it is too late. So many tiny souls taken before their time. 

Just like Eleanor's sign impediment, I feel like we have a parenting impediment. Sometimes Kris and I look at each other and think "wtf are we doing??" We have embraced our second chance but it is not easy. I struggle with setting boundaries and limits with a child who nearly had it all taken away. How can you say no, especially to such wild abandon play? I can't! Go run and be free! Enjoy it for all the kids who can't. Get wet. Fall down. Try again. I hope that as time goes on and her good health continues we will see her more as regular kid, but for the time being she is still special. She is still our delicate flower (or cow or duck or what are you trying to say?!??) and we can spoil her a little. Clothes can dry and veggies eaten at the next meal. This summer has been filled with magic moments and we are grateful for every last one.

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