Tuesday, 20 August 2013

I Spy With My (lazy) Eye...

We had our second visit to the pediatric ophthalmologist last week. We went two months ago and he checked Eleanor out, waved some things around her face and told us she needed glasses but they probably wouldn't work. I left his office feeling thoroughly confused and slightly perplexed. What was the point if they wouldn't work? I phoned my GP to go over the notes from this visit, but I never got a clearer answer. So I didn't get her glasses and waited til her next visit. 

I came armed with questions and he was much more forthcoming. He thinks she needs surgery to correct her right eye. It creeps into a cross eyed position pretty frequently and if they adjusted the muscle on the outside, it will most likely look normal. He suggested we try patching her good eye for *gulp* two hours a day and get her glasses. He reiterated that she won't tolerate either, but if we leave it untreated it will likely become wandering or will permanently cross. Apparently with this condition the brain tells the wonky eye to stop working. Yikes. 

So we've been stocking up on supplies! We picked up some pirate patches along with her surgical-bandaid-esque patches  so we could all be pirates together. We will see how that goes! - and we got her glasses. We are waiting for them to be ready and I'm kind of excited about it. She was really good about trying them on, and a bunch of adult frames which looked hilarious. 

Looks an awful lot like this:

She's even trying to wear her sunglasses.

So I'm optimistic about her ophthalmology. Surgery wouldn't be the worst thing to happen to her, but I think she's going to need a couple of teeth pulled next month, so if we can avoid more anesthetic and knives, we will do whatever it takes! 

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