I have had so many inspired ideas for posts this week and so many unreturned phone calls, and for this I am truly sorry. We are suffering from a severe case of 'roid rage. I have finally got the baby to sleep after a full day with a whopping 20 minute nap. She is sleeping in the crook of my arm, snuggled up to my chest. This would be cute if I wasn't so terrified of waking her! Kris and I are communicating by text, even though he is two feet in front of me. She is due for a set of vitals, a blood-thinner injection and a diaper change there is NO WAY she is going to sleep through all that. Steroids are making me cranky too.
Wish me luck!
You three are amazing! We are coming your way next week and hope we can have a peek in! Fingers crossed. Xx stu