Wednesday, 7 September 2011


My support team is sick. Kris is sick, my mum is sick and this means my laundry doesn't get done. I have organised our little room so that I can hide the growing pile of dirty clothes behind a suitcase, which is behind a rocking chair. Out of sight, out of mind. Nothing in there is stinky, so no offending odours can give me away. It just keeps growing and growing.

Like my gross pile of clothes, Eleanor has been busy accumulating things of her own. I like to call it the "anything that can wrong, will go wrong" laundry list of maladies. If any parent had anyone of these things, it would be traumatizing, and Eleanor has all of them.

  1. Cancer
  2. Cushing's Syndrome
  3. Missing kidney
  4. Enlarged heart
  5. High blood pressure
  6. High frequency hearing loss
  7. Blood clot in heart
She is on some form of medication or treatment for all of these, and I have recently learned that the easiest way to administer her anti-coagulant is to inject her with it twice a day. Okay. And how long will she be on this? One of the doctors mentioned 3 months. No? More like a year? Okay. And any time we are away from the hospital I have to inject it? Okay. So BP medication every 8 hours, oral chemo every 6 hours, anti-coagulant injections every 12 hours, steroids every 12 hours and don't forget her stress dose injection if she goes into acute adrenal shock. Okay. Keep adding on to that list. Heap illness on top of sickness on top of ailment in a pile behind the suitcase, behind the rocking chair. It's too bad I can't wash this list out with soap and be done with it.

On a totally unrelated, but very important note, I must say a big heartfelt THANK YOU to Natalie DeGoey and her friends at Best Buy who hooked me up with a brand new netbook! It's very exciting to use a computer again, though it is taking me awhile to get used to it. It's been a long time since I have used a computer!

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