Saturday, 10 September 2011

1/3 + 2/3 = ...

My daughter is nine months old today and she has spent exactly 1/3 of her life in hospital. Happy nine month birthday, little bear! Happy (?) three months in hospital! She spent the day with her Grandpa while mummy got out to enjoy the sunshine. He must have bored her with his stories as she was fast asleep when we returned. Nice one, Dave!

Eleanor's testosterone level dropped again, which is wonderful news. Our doctor, who was dubbed by another family as Dr. Doom and Gloom, says it is very, very likely that we will see an improvement in her lungs on the next scan. For him to say something positive is a big deal, so we are allowing ourselves a little pleasure in that. She is quite sick from the cisplatin, but that should subside in a day or two She puffed up a whole kilogram from the fluid they have to run when she gets chemo, but has been peeing (literally) like a racehorse. I wouldn't bring this up (who really wants to hear about baby pee?), but I am so proud of her remaining kidney. She hasn't needed any help flushing the excess hydration since a week post-op. Go little kidney, go!

Eleanor rubbed off the last of her eyelashes today. They have been thinning for a long time, but now they are all gone. She had crazy long, dark eyelashes which must have been part of the testosterone, because she did NOT get them from Kris or myself. I'm a little bit sad to see them go. Her hair is thinning elsewhere, but she is far from hairless, though I'm sure she will get there eventually. Then she will be my little bald bear.

 Kris has finished his antibiotics and is feeling much better. He will be back here tomorrow and will stay for a whole week. I am looking forward to this as our last visit was cut so short. And because he does our laundry... so much laundry!

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