Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Sweet Freedom

I got out for a run last night. The Red Cross have been amazing and are sending volunteers to watch Smelly for a few hours in the evening. My plan was that they would sit here while she sleeps but she really hates sleep at the moment, and would much rather show off her new found skill: screeching. I felt bad for the volunteer, but I am relishing my sore legs today. It felt so good to hit the pavement, even if it was cripplingly slow. It didn't hurt that it was the first sunny day in weeks, either. I am holding a lot of tension in my shoulders and my jaw and running really helps to get some blood flow going and loosen those areas. I feel like a new person today!

Eleanor continues to improve. She has been happy and cheerful for the past couple of days, which is lovely, but very tiring. She doesn't sleep much when she is feeling good, as it's really hard to create a quiet environment when you have people coming in and out all day. Sad to say, but in some ways it's easier when she is on morphine! She is guaranteed to nap like a pro when she is on that stuff!

She had her GFR (kidney function test) this morning, and depending on the results, she will be starting chemo very soon. I had a long talk with her doctor yesterday about what the next few months will look like, and he seems to think we will spend less time in hospital than originally estimated. That should be good news, but the more time we spend out of hospital, the more finacial burden is placed on us. All her meds are covered while we are here, and I have been warned that they are not cheap. We have been blessed with a few grants and perks through our social worker, but we will need a lot of help. I'll have to put my fundraising skills to good use! The fellow is coming in later today to discuss what this all will look like. They did warn us that everything is subject to change, but this was definitely unexpected! Free from hospital walls! Free! That's a four letter word!

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