Thursday, 21 July 2011

Little help?

Attention well-wishers! I have tasks for you! Here are a few things Kris and I could really use.

If you find yourself by our little house near the beach:

1) Help Kris with the housework! Eleanor will be going home on passes very soon, and that place needs to be spotless. Even just half an hour to help fold laundry would be extremely helpful.

2) Food! I am very worried about Kris's diet when I am not around. I suspect it is all junk. He really likes beef stew and roast chicken.

Should you find yourself near BC Children's Hospital:

1) Food! Single serving vegetarian dishes. Fresh or frozen, homemade or store-bought, one-time portion or enough for an army, I don't mind! I will eat it all!

2) Babysitting! As you can probably tell, Kris and I are leading two separate lives. We would love an hour or two on our own on a Sunday or Saturday afternoon.

In general:


2) Give blood! I had no idea how many transfusions were required for patients undergoing chemotherapy treatments. It's in you to give! There are lots of people who need it.

This has been an all-consuming experience for us. We need help and are really terrible at asking for it and sometimes we just don't have the time or energy to make plans. If you are able to provide food, simply drop it off. If we are not around, leave a note and we will make sure to get in touch with you to confirm it found a good home! If you are able to volunteer time, text us that morning and we will let you know if it is a good day.

Even writing this makes me feel like a jerk. I hope it doesn't come across as a demand, like because you are reading this you have to help. That is not the case AT ALL. I just know that there are a few people out there who would like to help but weren't getting enough info from myself or Kris.

Thank you thank you thank you in advance, and thank you for your continued support. Eleanor is feeling the love and thriving!


  1. Yay! Good for you Kate!
    It is sooo difficult to articulate just what you need, and I know I'm not the only one who wishes they knew how to help! I will stop trying to make plans with you and just drop by with food! I can come Monday evening, and stay if you are up for a visit (if not, I'll just bring delicious food and leave you to eat it)...

    I can also come for an hour or so on Saturday if you want to go out with Kris. Any time before 3:30! I'll text you Saturday morning.

  2. oh, that was Natalie, by the way... I forgot my google account doesn't display my name.

  3. Kate I can bring you food and offer my babysitting services. Send me a message on FB to let me know. (Mike's mom is a nurse at Children's ER so she could be helpful too.)

  4. Are you feeling like NUBA for lunch becuase I know you like those toasted delux wraps with falafel and I might just know somewhere I can grab one. If you let me know what Kris likes I can grab him something too and drop it off for you today!! Oh this is Devon from FTC btw! my cel is 778-229-3386..just text me his order and I will drop it off around 12?

  5. Kate,
    I am one of those people who has asked how we can help and since we are far away, we can't do any of these things, except of course pray for you guys (and we are doing that). If there are any clothes or other things Eleanor needs that I could find and send I would love to do that. Just let me know.

  6. I'm sending Paul for a week. He's an ex excellent housekeeper and a pretty awesome cook. On top of that, an experienced babysitter with paramedic training. I'll make sure he makes himself useful. :)

    The whole family, my co-workers and friends have been praying for Eleanor everyday. She will not be forgotten.

