Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Summary Style

I haven't written in forever. I think I'm too pregnant/hormonal/emotional to write a blog right now. It all comes back to ME and MY FEELINGS and I don't mind that every now and then, but the posts I was writing were a touch ridiculous. SO I have come up with a way to get the most information out with the least amount of preggo-related emotions - bullet points!

Here is how Eleanor is doing.

-all is quiet on the western front
-PET scan coming up in early March, so a short trip to Vancouver will be in order

-hormones repressed
-cortisol balanced
-some overnight hypoglycemic episodes, but inconsistent. Not worried at this point

-discovered that she has a long QT, which is usually inherited and is an electrical problem that causes people to drop dead
-cardiologist and geneticist suspect that it's due to all the treatment she has been through
-Kris and I are both doing ECGs to be safe
-no treatment for Eleanor at the moment as each ECG shows a slight improvement. If symptoms persist, she will go back on the beta-blocker and a difibulater (sp?) will be discussed when she is a pre-teen

-continues to make up for lost time
-cruises everywhere: along walls, cupboards, the fridge. Fast becoming her favourite way to get around
-very adept at using her walker
-climbs and descends stairs beautifully
-still favors her left side, but I am working hard to engage the right side

-haven't officially started, but working with a couple of pointers from ST about hearing loss
• eliminate background noise
• make sure she can see my face
• over-enunciate dropped sounds ("f", "sh", "tss" etc)
-"nyo" and "ba" are new sounds this week
-answers "yup" and "nyo" to yes/no questions (and they actually make sense!)

-steadily gaining in weight and height (10.4kg and 80cm)
-eating and drinking really well. Finally!
-transitioning to 1 nap a day and is finally starting to adjust after a few restless weeks
-can follow two commands (get Dolly and put her hat on)
-can sign along to "The More We Get Together" and does it for ANY song she likes
-dances (must post video - she's not very good!)
-has no idea about the baby that is going to drop out of me in two months time, but loves slapping my tummy
-got her first haircut

Here comes the photo bomb!!!

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