Friday, 28 December 2012

Happy Holidays!

Well, it wasn't my favourite Christmas, but it was my least favourite Christmas...!

I shouldn't say that. Kris and Eleanor and I have had a wonderful week together and we got to see some of our favourite people. I spent most of my free time baking cookies and then eating said cookies. I tried to give them away as gifts, but Eleanor decided she really likes gingerbread.

You thought the Cookie Monster was a blue muppet? Think again!


We went down to the Empress Hotel to check out the Christmas tree display that raises funds for BC Children's Hospital. I tried to get a photo of Eleanor in front of the big tree in the lobby, but Kris wasn't being a very cooperative photographer or photography subject, but it was fun nonetheless!

You were supposed to get the tree, my love!

...close enough.

We tried to honour Kris's Lithuanian heritage by abstaining from meat on Christmas Eve and eating 12 courses of cold fish for Kūčios dinner.

We cheated. It is sushi.

We didn't do a ton of gifts, mostly because we don't have a lot of money, but also because we received the best gift two weeks ago. And because Eleanor is still too little to know what's going on. Her cognition is getting much better, but she still has no idea what's happening at Christmas. All she knows is that Daddy is home a lot and that makes her sooooo happy.

We bought her a tea set, which she absolutely adores. We let her open our gifts to each other and even re-wrapped a couple of gifts she got for her birthday so she could pull the paper off more prezzies, but the tea set was still her favourite. 

I've spent the last couple of days pulling tiny tea cups out of my shoes and sorting fake teaspoons from real ones when I wash the dishes! Speaking of shoes, Eleanor's "fairy god lady" came to the rescue and bought her a fancy new pair of kicks. 

This is her "listening" to Jessa's pre-recorded version of The Little Engine That Could

Eleanor's physio recommended she wear shoes with more support as she still over pronates when standing. And when you think about it, she's only really been able to stand for 6 months... Not very long at all. She's not overly concerned, but thought proper running shoes might help. Check out these bad boys.

Totally coincidental that they match mine (I bought these back in August as my post-marathon shoes. Now they are my post-pregnancy shoes!), but awesome nonetheless.

We were invited to lots of lovely dinners on Christmas Day, but Eleanor caught a little bug from her playgroup and started waking at 3:30-4:00am again. It makes her so tired and cranky around dinnertime that we cancelled our plans. It's just not worth it. She gets so miserable and then Kris and I get tense and bedtime is harder and she sleeps terribly and we start the cycle all over at 4:00am! We have trained my parents over the past year to have early-bird family dinners and we can get home for bedtime and everyone is happy, but that wasn't an option this Christmas as everyone is away at a family wedding. Daniel and Ruth - I love you to bits and am so excited that you are getting married today but...can I have my family back?!?? I miss them.

Oh and because Kris thinks this is hilarious, I have added some photos of me rocking my favourite gifts - moon boot slippers and some kind of weird poncho/blanket/wrap (thanks Trudi and Jessa!). It's been my uniform for the past few days and may see me through the rest of my pregnancy. See you in April, any sort of fashion sense!!
With a kid in my tummy and one around my ankles...

This Is 30 (going on 90)

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