Monday, 19 November 2012


So somewhere along the way, Eleanor never got booked to go back to Children's. She is supposed to go every 3 months to get a chest CT scan and an abdominal MRI to check for any changes to the spots in her lungs or the tumour bed (recurrence most often will happen here). But it didn't happen! I was patiently waiting to hear and as November came barreling towards me, I started asking around and sure enough, no appointment was made. I have spent the last few days frantically emailing all the moving parts to make this trip happen. I have dozens of emails labeled "Eleanor's Scans" - which if I were still working would be relatively few - but now I'm a stay-at-home mum and it feels like I am very busy and important! But it's all organized and we are heading over for scans on Wednesday and a meeting with the good doctor and some cardiology stuff Thursday.

I'm kind of grateful we only had a week to prepare. It reduces the "scanxiety" by a whole truckload. I'm now too preoccupied with the actual act of getting us over there than the reason we are going over there. That said, when I informed Kris that we were going to Children's, he immediately started to panic. He seems to be compounding three months of stress into one week. Poor guy. I keep telling him/me that there is nothing to worry about right now - she's too strong, too ambitious, too... toddler to have anything wrong with her.

And yet...

She's really shrieky lately. I am nearly positive it's just Eleanor asserting herself and the start of the "terrible twos", but it's hard not to worry. She really hates her high chair. She arches her back and flails when I try to put her in. I'm guessing she doesn't like to be constrained but maybe something about it hurts her? She's also not eating very much, which I know is a normal ebb and flow of kids, but maybe not? Maybe it is just a cold. Maybe. Ugh. I guess I do have scanxiety. Maybe it never goes away. It seems the more "good" or "normal" scans we have, the less time we have before the bad scan. It will come eventually, we just hope and pray it will be a long, long ways a way.

I'm excited for the weekend, so I am just looking forward that. This week will be filler to the good stuff coming up. There is a fundraiser for our pediatric oncology department on Saturday night. I will post the info if any of you in Victoria are interested in coming out to support a great cause. And I get to meet a friend's new baby. Nothing like a new baby to make you feel all warm and fuzzy!

Hmmm. I better sign off as I can hear E stirring in her room. It's after 10pm, so this may be a sleepless night here. Better try and get some sleep in where I can!

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