Monday, 16 July 2012

Due Diligence

Well, it's been a week since our little hospital stay/scare, and we are still on high alert. Not because anything is wrong, per say, but because things are not where we would like them to be. Eleanor looks better. She's more alert and she's sleeping better. Her nose is still running a lot, but not too bad. She's still not eating as much as she was six weeks ago. I had a complete meltdown over the weekend because she threw up during lunch. Again. All I could think was that the only reason she is having such bad reflux/nausea is because the cancer has spread and latched on to parts of her digestive tract. This is a pretty bogus theory as that's not how her cancer works, so we got her some ondansetron.

We haven't been giving her anti-nauseants as regularly since her NG tube came out, mainly because we can only afford gravol (ondansetron is CRAZY expensive) and we thought the volume would be too much to handle orally. Also, she got too dopey/stoned on it. And she seemed to be fine without it. You know, until she wasn't.

So now I am living in crazy, food-obsessed land. I am tracking everything she eats, what she likes, what she doesn't, when she burps, farts, poops... It's mental. If you know me, you know how lazy I can be. I'm so lazy, I'm verging on negligent. Well, maybe not with my daughter, but certainly with myself. So many grey hairs. So much tooth decay... But now I am a bonafide helicopter parent! It's like the fall of friggin' Saigon around here! Nothing is getting by me! I am going to get to the bottom of this funky episode if it kills me. I will solve the mystery of why she won't eat. I will discover why she has lost all the weight she has gained since January, and then I will fix it! Yes indeedy!

It's probably the Mitotane. When in doubt, blame the Mitotane. See??? So lazy!

Anyway, here is a super cute sequence of Madam Eleanor getting ready for bed.

Hey Elsie Bells - you tired?

Uh, yeah Ma. I'm tired.

Gonna read me some books, yo.

Mummy? Please? Little help?

Yo, MA! Read me this damn book!

Fine, stupid @#$^. Keep taking %&@$* photos. See if I care. I'll read my own &@$&!@**% book!  

Worst. Night. Ever.
Oh, and just in case there was ANY doubt as to whether this child is mine, I have included this photo. It's circa 2008 when Kris insisted I help him clean the apartment.

Happy Monday!

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