Thursday, 19 April 2012


I quit my job today. They have been holding a spot open for me and today I stepped aside. It's over. It's not you - it's me. Let's remain friends.


I was there two years (three if you count my mat leave), which is nothing, really, and yet I was able to accomplish so much, learn from amazing mentors, meet incredible world changers, pillars of peace, heads of state, the Dalai frickin' Lama!!! I LOVED my job. I loved being part of a huge movement of change. I am really sad that it's over, but I know it's the right thing to do. I feel like I am owed this time with Eleanor. I am entitled to enjoy her when she is not sick. I put up with a year of stress and worry, catching her vomit with a puke tray (or my hands), stroking her fevered forehead, whispering in her ear "it'll be okay" and never believing it and now it's my turn. I get to reap the benefits. I get to hear her giggle and watch her smile and grow. Sure, we have no money and it is totally impractical, but it's the only thing I can see myself doing right now. In a few months down the road I will start thinking about work again, but for now I'm going to get my cuddle on.

It's a sad day, though.

Thank you to Dalal, Erin, Russ and Caryl for your guidance and knowledge. Thank you Amy and Matt and the whole development/donor relations team for making me laugh, even during We Day madness. Thank you Vancouver office for welcoming me with open arms. Thank you, FTC. This job was so much more than just a job to me. I'll never forget my time there.

1 comment:

  1. It is beautiful that you are taking the time to be with your wonderful baby girl. When you are ready and the time is right another door will open for you.

    It's really cool that you had such a wonderful experience with your job. I would have loved to meet the Dalai Lama!

    You have made a good decision for your family. We live in a good country where you will find support to meet your financial needs. I feel so much richer after experiencing poverty in Mexico. I realize that having a bathtub is a luxury - (and so many more simple things). It keeps me happy to see the luxury around me (in my old middle-class rental house) lol.

    I send you my love and understanding and I am SO glad that Elenor is doing well. :)
