I can't believe it. I kept spying on her on the way home from the hospital. I peered into her car seat when I should have been watching the road. Is this real? Is this really happening? I feel like I am driving home a newborn babe; she looks so delicate, so fragile, so beautiful.
We took out her NG tube!
Hi! |
She's had that tube for over TEN MONTHS and now it's gone! Bu-bye. Sayonara. Auf wiedersehen. We went to the hospital to have it replaced, but after talking with the doctor, the nurses and the dietician, we decided to leave it out. We can go back at anytime to have a new one put in if we need to, but we all felt this was the best way to move forward. She eats so much and is starting to eat a good variety of foods and she has mastered drinking from both sippy and regular cups so why not give her a chance? Meds might be a battle, but they might not. She has been taking her Mitotane in yogurt and pudding for the past few weeks and we were TERRIFIED to try that. So terrified that I couldn't even tell people; I was so scared I would jinx it. But she is doing it! Sometimes she has chocolate mousse with her breakfast, but hey, if that's what it takes!
I'll tell you what's weird, though. I thought she attracted a lot of attention with her tube. I always heard people whisper when we walked by or saw their pitying glances and I was very open with people who had questions. But walking her out of the hospital WITHOUT the tube - I had four different people stop me and an old lady kissed her. Is that normal? She does look super cute today and I was carrying her sack-of-potatoes style (lying on her belly across my forearm), but that seems a little excessive. Maybe we were giving off a "new baby" vibe and people were drawn to that.
Anyway, here she is in all her tube free, normal baby glory. Geez it's been a long time coming...
Eating my meds... |
Mitotane Face! |